With such high youth unemployment statistics in South Africa, TFG is proud to be acknowledged as making a
positive contribution to job creation. Being recognised as a Top 5 Youth Job Contributor at the YES ESG Awards
recently bears testament to TFG’s commitment specifically to skills development, ensuring that unemployed young
people are prepared for real jobs.
In 2024, more than 45% young people are reported to be unemployed, according to Stats SA.
“Since 2021, we have invested over R100m in our participation in YES, with more than 2,300 young people receiving
work experience with us and will be creating an additional 1,300 jobs to support this initiative over the next few
months. A highlight has been that we have appointed more than 60% into permanent positions, whilst many others
go on to be employed by other corporates. This is evidence of the success of the programme in preparing unemployed
young people for real jobs,” said TFG CEO, Anthony Thunström.
TFG has the highest absorption rate in the YES Programme
Hundreds of YES participants have been absorbed into permanent roles within the TFG business, with a deliberate
and carefully crafted approach to talent acquisition, mentorship and skills development, and with a key focus on
“educating to employ”.
Through its participation in the YES programme, young people are placed on 12-month work experience contracts
and are provided with mentorship and training. After their year with TFG, these YES participants are then typically
employed by TFG or move onto other employment opportunities in the sector.
The positive impact of TFG’s participation in the YES program extends beyond the workplace, creating a ripple effect
within the broader community. By empowering young people with the skills and opportunities they need to thrive,
TFG contributes to building a more resilient and prosperous society.
In the picture (from left to right): COO of YES, Leanne Emery-Hunter, CEO of YES, Ravi Naidoo, TFG Skills Development
In the picture (from left to right): COO of YES, Leanne Emery-Hunter, CEO of YES, Ravi Naidoo, TFG Skills Development
Specialist Nancy Pakkiri, YES Co-Chair, Colin Coleman, and Group CEO of the JSE, Dr Leila Fourie.
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