Taking action for lower energy and fewer emissions

Walk into a store and you might not even notice the lighting. Was it bright and white? Blue and atmospheric? A lot of design goes into lighting to best show garment and fabric colours, and to illuminate aisles to guide customers through our stores.

Efficient lighting and airconditioning is one of the ways in which TFG can save energy and protect natural resources at our stores, distribution centres, warehouses and offices.

Our action steps to efficiency:

  • Starting with the source of electricity, we are growing our investment in solar panels for renewable energy supply, especially at distribution centres. Where we lease facilities, we encourage landlords to invest in renewal energy such as solar panels and inverters.
  • We are systematically replacing all lighting with light emitting diode (LED) lighting. LED lights produce light up to 90% more efficiently than incandescent light bulbs.
  • We are monitoring the energy use in buildings and will soon display consumption detail at the building.
  • By improving store trading densities, we use space more efficiently, which results in utilities ratios also improving.
  • Our store design team is continuously exploring new technology or concepts for energy efficient lighting.
  • We use analytics to identify stores that are out of line in terms of energy usage and take action to reduce consumption, for example making sure lights and aircon are switched off at night.
  • We have around 200 stores with online meter monitoring that helps us track usage and potential improvements.

The Integrated Energy Plan that the Group has embarked on in the 2022 financial year involves the roll out of meters (bill verification, tariff analysis and behaviour change), lighting, solar and air conditioning. The plan will be implemented within our stores, head office buildings and distribution centres.

Read more in our carbon footprint report – CLICK HERE.


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