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Human Rights Statement

This statement is supported by international human rights principles aimed at promoting and protecting human rights including the United Nations Global Compact Principles, the International Labour Organisation’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Furthermore, this statement is supported by TFG’s Codes of Business Ethics and Conduct, TFG’s standard merchandise and non-merchandise terms and conditions (both local and international) as well as applicable local and international laws.



Suppliers shall not apply any type of discriminatory practice with regards to the recruitment, compensation, access to training, promotion, termination of employment agreement or retirement based on any form of discrimination.

Discrimination is any practice or behaviour, whether intentional or not, that has a negative effect on a group or individual, and includes these grounds of discrimination: race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, family responsibility, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, HIV status, conscience, belief, political opinion, culture, language, birth and any other arbitrary ground, all of which are unrelated to the person’s abilities or objective considerations relating to the making of a decision.

Discrimination may result from direct or indirect unequal treatment or it may result from the effect of unequal treatment of individuals or groups.


Employees have the right to have their dignity respected and protected, as well as to be treated equally. Working conditions and practices must not infringe on the inherent dignity of employees. The following is strongly condemned by TFG and will not be tolerated: physical, sexual, racial, religious, psychological, verbal and any other forms of harassment, threat or abuse, whether manifested in behaviour, language or gesture. “Harassment” refers to improper comment or conduct that a person knows, or ought to know, would be unwelcome, offensive, embarrassing or hurtful.

TFG will not tolerate corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion or verbal abuse.


Workers must be free to form associations for the protection of their interests and to bargain collectively but are not compelled to do so.


Workers must not be subjected to any forced or involuntary labour and children may not be employed below the age levels set-out in any applicable national law.


Suppliers shall provide a safe and hygienic workplace for their employees ensuring minimum conditions of light, ventilation, hygiene, fire prevention, safety measures and access to drinking water. Where accommodation is provided, it shall be clean and safe.

Suppliers shall take the required steps to prevent accidents and injuries from taking place in the workplace.


Suppliers shall ensure that the hours their employees work complies with applicable laws or any relevant collective agreement.

The choice of remedial action will vary and depends on the nature and severity of the impact which has been identified either through TFG’s own audit, or due to a complaint, campaign or protest action. Verification of the allegations of a human rights issue, and the facts of the case are a key starting point and may require independent investigation, and where the issues and claims are complex, access to expert advice.

If a direct cause or connection can be shown, then any follow-up remedial action will depend on the degree of influence that TFG has over the situation and its relationship with the affected party(ies). Depending on the situation, co-operation or engagement with government bodies, judicial authorities or non-governmental bodies may be required.

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