We know financial emergencies can happen at any time. We want to help because we know that financial distress affects employees’ ability to be productive and work well in a team.
That’s why we partnered with PayMeNow, a platform that gives our South African employees a financial boost when needed. The PayMeNow app enables employees to instantly access a portion of their net salary.
We also take it a step further: employees get access to free training on how to manage their money responsibly and reach their financial goals.
We are committed to fair and responsible employee remuneration and this means being consistent and paying employees equally for work of equal value. All employees have the chance to grow their salary through training, upskilling and applying for internal positions. For example, an employee starting out as a sales associate could, through the assistance of various TFG programmes over three to five years, move into a store management role.
Our people and their ongoing health, safety and mental wellbeing are our most important priority. As an employee, if you need help, contact our wellness hotline on 0800 111 323 (South Africa) or +2766 452 4099 (WhatsApp for employees in other African countries). The helpline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to all TFG employees and their immediate family members.